For most people, editing a PDF file is not something to look forward to, and understandably so. If anything, PDF files are designed to be read-only to prevent editing.  Speaking of which, have you ever tried to add a blank page to a PDF file? Any sort of editing in a PDF file without a dedicated tool is not easy.

We understand that this task is not motivating, especially if you have to do it regularly- you need a working plan.

Are you looking for a straightforward, faster, and more convenient method of adding a blank page to a PDF file? This ultimate guide from WinZip will show you how to do it hassle-free.

How to add a blank page to a PDF file

When it comes to editing a PDF file, most people prefer converting it into Microsoft Word. In our case, we want to add a blank page to a PDF file, so what these users would do is add the blank pages from the converted file, then convert the file back to PDF.

While this might seem to be working, it is very stressful, time-consuming, and might cause disorientation of the original file. Additionally, it is discouraging to think that you have to go through this process every time you want to edit your PDF file.

How to use WinZip to add a blank page

After downloading and installing the WinZip program on your PC, locate the PDF file you want to edit. After finding your file, select it and right-click to see the available options. Hover over the WinZip PDF Express option to see the "open/modify PDF" option and click on it.

The file will open in your installed WinZip folder, and it will be ready for editing. On the left-hand side of your program, you will see a navigation column that highlights the content of your PDF file. Right-click on this column to find the "add a blank page" option and select it.

Alternatively, still on the navigation column available on your left-hand side, just below where you see the "thumbnail and the bookmark" options, hover over the available options to find the "insert a blank page" option and select it. Insert as many blank pages as you wish, then save your new edited PDF document on your PC.

The advantages of using the WinZip PDF Express option over the other option that involves converting your documents several times include:

  • Using WinZip PDF Express is fast and convenient. All you have to do is locate the PDF that you want to edit, and within a few clicks, you will be done.
  • WinZip does not "distort" the original format of your PDF file, as may be the case with the other available options. With this software, you edit only what you want.
  • Deleting the blank pages is relatively easier. If you add more blank pages to the PDF file than you intended, you can easily delete the added pages by right-clicking the pages and selecting the "delete blank page" option.


PDF files are not designed for editing. Therefore, it is easy to understand why you see people rolling their eyes each time they are asked to insert a blank page to a PDF file. One of the options that people have is to convert the PDF file into a Microsoft Word document, add their blank pages, then convert the file back to Microsoft Word.

The problem with this method is that it is unsustainable, time-consuming and prone to errors. Fortunately, the WinZip PDF Express is here to ease the burden. With it, you can edit your pdf files however you see fit, in the shortest time possible, without distorting the overall structure of your files.

Need to Download WinZip