Author: Craig Bond
In this video, I'll explain how to backup and recover your important files, providing step-by-step instructions and a video tutorial.
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To begin, click the 'Backup' option in the right panel. This will open the WinZip Secure Backup applet.
On first use, it will download and install additional components.
Once open, you'll be prompted to create a new backup job.
First, select the folder you want to backup.
It can be stored locally or in the cloud.
Navigate to the desired location and select the folder.
Next, choose where to store your backup. This can also be local storage or a cloud service like ZipShare, OneDrive, or Dropbox. In this example, we'll select Google Drive.
You also have the option to encrypt your backup.
Click 'OK' to save the job.
You can now set the backup job's frequency, time, and start date. Enable the job to activate it.
You can modify or delete a job at any time.
Let's create a new backup from one cloud to another. Select the folders, first the folder to back up, next where to store the backup.
Click 'OK'.
Then, select the backup job you've just created and press 'Run' to execute it.
Your files are now saved in a backup.
To restore files, select the job and backup date. Choose a restore location and click 'Restore'.
Your files are now restored to this location.
Great! You can start learning more now that you've learned how to backup and restore your files with WinZip.
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